It took her a while to adjust to eating proper cat food and drinking milk. My older cat, Snowball hated her on sight! She took every opportunity to pounce on Sam and every now and then managed to actually hurt her.
I then put Sam in my bedroom and her nights were spent snuggled in between our pillows. She virtually grew up in my bedroom. She ate her food in our guest bedroom. The downside of having her in our room was her treating my bed as her toilet. We had to put plastic sheet over my bed just to protect my mattress!
Funny that none of my two children ever messed up my bed but my cat did. This is all history. Sam has left home and is now happily settled at my neighbour's house. They seem to love her and she is so cuddly and white. And there is no Snowball to terrorise her anymore. Patty used to play with Sam but not so much now.
Spotted her at 6.40pm today after I came back home from fetching Lisa. Called her and she came nearer but not near enough for me to touch her. In the days when she used to go out in the morning and come back home at night, we sometimes had to fetch her. It was so adorable to see her running home alongside us.
I miss her so. Wonder what she is called now...